(Poland) Black Metal - The fourth album of one of the most intriguing and original Black Metal bands in Poland. Characteristic points are closed in such words as avantgarde, diabolicality, rituality, magic and breaking of stereotypes and boundaries. Love and hate, creation and destruction, ugliness and beauty, life and death. Proove how creative they are and how far their style is able to progress more and more within Black Metal genre!
1. 21 XII 2004
2. Neither By Time Nor Space
3. Kolejny Obr?t Koła
4. The Wordless Galactic Ceremony
5. Naga Matryca Życia i Śmierci
6. Oczy Tej Kobiety
7. Energion: The Quinessence of The New Spirituality
8. Gdy Imperium Upada...
9. Das Ist Krieg
10. A Beauty Made of Steel
11. The Eternal Dance
12. To Stop The Everturning Wheel
13. Gdy Faun Poszedł Na Wojnę...